
2024 Latest Fishery News!

17th July 2024 - They want food!

With still no obvious signs of spawning, we've seen a few more of the lads return to the shores over the last week and many haven't been left dissappointed.
A decent spread of bait has produced multiple captures whether it be a quick overnighter or a lengthy stay. Captures are being made from all for corners of the res', it just boils down to that right presentation!
Due to the lack of weed growth this year, anglers have been able to offer a bait much closer in and from around 5 wraps, it's been really successful.

This 33lb Mirror was taken in the early hours of Friday morning. Said member has done nearly twenty fish in the last three weeks. Great angling!


Tight Lines

3rd July 2024 - No sign of spawning, back to the fishing!

As you may have already guessed from the lack of updates, spawning failed to materialise late last week and over the weekend. Instead, some of the Carp have reverted back to feeding but the 'big girls' are playing a little harder to get. What few fish have been caught, have mainly been our younger stock with some carrying minor spawning injuries which were treated.
We are still expecting spawning to happen over the coming weeks with many waters across the UK in the same boat and now just comes down to what happens with the weather. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Water temperature and Oxygen tests were carried out along both banks this week with the results showing the temperature on the field side averaging a degree higher than on the wood side which was 18.5C. Oxygen saturation showed a similar pattern, with the field side averaging 10.5mg/l compared to 9.6mg/l along the wood side.
In comparison to 2023's summer data, it's clear to see that the lack of weed growth this year makes the difference.

Tight Lines

26th June 2024 - Spawning Update!

As of Wednesday morning there are no signs of spawning activity whatsoever and most of the Carp have now moved-off from the shallow regions of the field side. We are asking that members still fish the field side with caution and there are currently no closures in place.

Many Thanks

22nd June 2024 - Young stock spawning!

On Saturday morning a small number of fish had a brief spell of spawning in 'Summers Bay'. This subsided after a few hours before starting again in 'Weedy Bay' that evening. There are currently no closures in place as there is absolutely nothing happening but there remains a good number of fish in the area. We will continue to monitor the situation very closely. As for now, the field side remains open but please fish with caution.

In the run-up to this morning’s shenanigans, the Carp have been feeding really well. This last week has seen around twenty fish landed to very few anglers with the largest falling just shy of 33lb. One member also banked nine during his 48-hour stint.
We’ve also seen another homegrown stocky male an appearance. Introduced at 4lb, 18 months on and it’s now 10lb bigger!
Great angling lads!

Final note - Can all members please be reminded that no fishing is to be undertaken from the ‘Spit’, especially now so with spawning upon us. The area is very popular with recovering and resting fish and do not want baits being thrown at them.

ll nubby comm

mi biglin

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

17th June 2024 - Back on the grub!

With last week's weather falling well short of what was orginally forecast, we are yet to see any further attempts at spawning. In the meantime, the Carp decided to turn their interests back towards food. Come Sunday we had seen fish to just shy of 33lb landed and good number of quality Tench. Here are just a few of those captures, well in gents!


Cattle Grazing - The cows are now grazing the field that allows vehicle access to 'Gate 1' so please ensure all gates are closed fully and chained after use. It would be best to drop your vehicles in behind a gate along said bank otherwise you may end up with a few dirty panels and a lack of wing mirrors.

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

7th June 2024 - Field side access now open!

The field side is now open to all vehicles. We asking to use the route to 'Gate 2/Jungle Point' with caution as there is still a few vulnerable spots. Please do NOT abuse these privleges, bans will be issued for doing so.

Spawning - A few small Carp had their first attempt at spawning in the early hours of Thursday morning in 'Weedy Bay'. The shenanigans were all over within a couple of hours but it does show that they are close.
Please fish the field side with caution and be aware that closures will be imposed immediately if the begin. It now all depends on how the weather plays out.

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

4th June 2024 - Have they spawned?

The fishing has been a little hit and miss since the bank holiday but the lads are persevering and being rewarded well for their efforts. Larger beds of bait has been the most effective approach and produced fish to just under 36lb.
A few relics amongst them, Great angling all round.
They’re not everyone’s cup of tea but some huge Tench and roach have also been caught. Tench to 9lb and Roach to just over 3lb.

Field side - Vehicle access along the western shore remains closed for the next couple of days at least as some areas still aren’t quite ready to carry traffic following more rain on Tuesday. This will be reviewed later this week.

Spawning - despite rumours, there has been no evidence of spawning Carp on the reservoir. First and foremost, the reservoir has not reached the triggering threshold but it isn’t far off. Four or five days of brighter and warmer weather would likely change that. We’ll have to see how the conditions play out over the coming week as higher temps are forecast.

BW 23vs
bbg lin

Tight Lines

30th May 2024 - Another gem hits 30!

This man’s been catching some corkers as of late but one of his most recent really tops the lot. ‘The pretty one’ aka ‘Dave’ went over the magical 30lb mark earlier this week in the pouring rain.
Huge congrats on the capture and great photos despite the conditions.

dave dave1

Tight Lines

24th May 2024 - Field side closed for vehicles!

Unfortunately, due to Wednesday's severe rain we are having to close access off for vehicles along the field side bank for the next few days. The land is currently in worse condition than it was yesterday morning following the rain. We will continue to review the situation and inform you all of any changes as soon as they occur.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

22nd May 2024 - Action eases up!

The bites have slowed down a little considering the number of fish that was being caught a week ago from the wood side in particular. However, the lads are still nicking a fish or two with a fair few being stalked during short visits.
The Carp are being seen all over the reservoir but aren't willing to feed in everywhere despite holding up in certain areas. Deep water remains a popular area.
There has been NO signs of spawning whatsoever and it now looks unlikely to even be considered for another few weeks unless the sun does something spectacular.

The weather continues to frustrate with waves of heavy rain every few days which is causing issues with the land and vehicle access. The latest dumping has left large amounts of surface water which we hope will get away in good time but whilst present, could make a real mess of access routes if abused. As it stands, the field side remains open but is to be used with caution and NO large vehicles.

Here's a couple from some successful evening stalking sessions. Nicely done mate.

commay scaly

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

12th May 2024 - Bites after hours!

The hours of darkness is where all the action’s at currently. The week leading up to the bank holiday weekend proved somewhat ‘stale’, however, a dumping of bait from all four corners over the three day weekend dragged them out of hiding.
Deep water continues to dominate but both banks are producing.
Spawning - We’ve been asked whether they’ve started spawning this week following reports of ‘shenanigans’ on surrounding waters and the answer is… no they haven’t.

The reservoir has only just come out of its winter slump never-mind thinking about making more scaly babies.
We’ll obviously be monitoring the situation closely and inform you all when they start.
Last year we had a freak few hours on the 16th May when some young male fish got a little excited. It wasn’t until early June that they then began properly.

Field Side - We are pleased to announce that vehicle access along the field side bank is now OPEN but to be used with caution.
We are asking for large vehicles I.e vans to refrain from using access to ‘Gate 2’ and ‘Jungle’ for the time being as this is the weakest stretch.
A reminder that vehicles are NOT to be reversed into swims or along banks! You should NOT be driving to a swim to take a look around or visiting fellow members. Authorised visitor’s also should NOT drive to the location that you are fishing and should park in the hard standing car park only.
Please also be reminded that there is a farmyard curfew and that no vehicles should pass through between 7pm & 6am.
Finally, NO fishing directly from vehicles. You’re under a brolly, bivvy or the stars. Wanna sleep in your car or van, go to a camp site.

Great angling, gents!

lin22 harlow

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

1st May 2024 - Weather still causing havoc!

Action - The lads have continued to winkle out a few fish over the last week or so with the dam end proving most fruitful. However, sightings have been few and far between in recent days with reports of not so much as roach breaking the surface. There have been no signs of basking fish in welcomed sunshine whether it be the dam wall or the shallows. Playing the great game of hide and seek!
The reservoir has regained a good colour following Sunday's rain but levels currently sit just above normal.

Field Side - Unfortunately, due to the monsoon that fell during Sunday, the field side will have to remain closed for vehicle access. Had we not had such a dumping, it wouldn't have been far off from reopening this week especially with the current forecast.
Also, the wood side is suffering from running surface water on the track between pegs 1 & 3 so please be cautious under foot.

Memorial match - Just a quick reminder to those of you with their name down for the match, a minimum £10 deposit is now due to secure your place. If not received within the next 14 days your allocation will be made vacant. Bank transfer or Paypal is the easiest and prefferred method of payment but cash is fine providing it is handed over direct. Please contact Jamie to arrange payment.
Nine places are still available for any of our current members who are interested in taking part.

Here's three of the most recent bites. The first couple were part of a trio taken during a quick overnighter just this weekend. Deep water producing again! Congrats.

snuff parrot wezsm

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

24th April 2024 - 'Annie' at top weight!

The milder temperatures really have made a difference over the last few days with plenty of fish activity to report as this member bagged himself five crackers during a quick overnight session at the weekend. The largest was a well-known mirror that they call 'Angry Annie' who swung the dials round to 35lb exactly, her best weight to date! Nicely done pal.

The field side remains closed for vehicles. We will continue to assess the situation daily.


Tight Lines

17th April 2024 - Fish feeding and drying up!

The reservoir continues to fish well with a few of our originals making an appearance to nearly 36lb.
The colour is finally starting to drop and the banks are drying out nicely.
Unfortunately, the field side is not yet ready to be opened up for vehicles. However, IF (big if) the coming week’s forecast is to be believed we should see a vast improvement.

Can all members please ensure you have a valid/renewed your rod license with the new ones coming into effect earlier this month. The E.A will be doing their rounds.
Please also give yourself a reminder of the rules for the upcoming campaign. There are no excuses!

Now, here’s a couple of real relics for you… and some decent looking Carp as well.
Great angling chaps!

2214 248 3512

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

4th April 2024 - An egg...citing Easter!

We're pleased to report a good number of captures from the Bank Holiday weekend as returns just fell short of double figures in the first 24 hours.
Although the deeper water proved most popular, the Carp appeared to be well spread out with the 'Shallows' also producing several fish to mid-doubles.
This young man took a super brace whilst out with his old man over Easter. Both fish have done more than 6lb+ in less 12 months! One's a homegrown stocky and the other's a VS Special. There's no stopping this kid, a massive well done!

nev ron

Tight Lines

28th March 2024 - Bites starting to flow!

Despite the weather turning a little sour again over the last fortnight, the lads are still getting stuck in to the new campaign which has resulted in a small number of captures to 20lb.
The Carp appear to be well on the move with fish showing almost everywhere on the reservoir but a lot have been at range.
Due to the shocking weather, there will unfortunately be no vehicle access along the field side for the Easter weekend. We are a few weeks away from even considering opening it up that's for sure!
The banks are still very wet in places but you can quickly see vast improvement on the drier and brighter days. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.
Colour remains heavy but levels sit just a couple of inches above normal. Lots of attraction in hook baits and freebies have been key to the recent success. The biggies are certain to be lurking.

All the best to those heading out for the bank holiday weekend, you've got to be in it to win it as they say!
Disinfectant baths are in place so please ensure you use them upon arrival.

Here's a lovely scaly VS stocky and a revamped 'Peg 1'.

Many Thanks and Tight Lines

8th March 2024 - Feeling springy?

It's been great to see a few more faces down on the shores this last week or so. This week's weather really has got the bug biting for most and have even seen a couple wetting a net with some Tench! The Carp have been fairly active along with the other species but sightings have mostly been at range and well spread out.
We're still carrying a fair bit of colour but levels have been settled for almost a week now and thankfully, there isn't too much rain in the forecast for the coming week. The ground has started to improve but it will take some time having not even recovered properly from last October's flooding.

Tight Lines

22nd February 2024 - Still wet but they're active!

We've seen a fair amount of activity on the reservoir over the past couple of weeks especially along the field side bank. The mild conditions for the time of year have been very welcome, however, the reoccurring unsettled weather fronts continue to keep us grounded and reminding us that we are in fact still in February! March is on the horizon though and all we need is a good week of dry conditions and we'll start seeing the key changes.

Memorial match - This year's memorial match dates have now been confirmed and will again go ahead in September. For any members that are interested in taking part, we are now taking names and as it stands we have NINE places to fill. A deposit of £10 will be required before the 1st of May to secure your place. Full entry fee is £20. It will kick off on Friday the 6th at 15.00 and end at 10.00 Sunday 8th.
Please drop Jamie a message to get involved.

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

9th February 2024 - Back to square one!

Despite only being in early February, the land and banks were just starting to dry out nicely before the dumping of snow and rain over the last 36 hours clattered us straight back to square one! The reservoir currently sits nearly eight inches above normal with some swims partially submerged.
I know a few of the lads are getting eager to kick start their campaigns but please be cautious under foot if visiting this weekend.
Hopefully this will be the last of the winter flooding and we can finally turn a 'drier' corner from this point on.
No sightings to report so far this month.

Tight Lines

5th February 2024 - Road now open!

We are pleased to say the road works have now come to an end and has now fully reopened. Access is back to normal from all directions.

Many Thanks

30th January 2024 - Road closures!

Could all members please be aware that there are currently closures in place along the B600 restricting access to the fishery.
Those of you who travel from Junction 27/Underwood, you will need to follow the signed diversion route in order to get to the wood side car park. You can use the normal route if wanting to access the field side. For those travelling from the Eastwood end, this also applies but vice versa.
No vehicles of any kind are currently able to drive across the Dam Wall as they continue ground work. This is due to end by Friday the 2nd of February but that still remains to be seen. We'll inform you all once there are any changes.

There's not much to report on the fishing front I'm afraid apart from we now completely ice free. Levels have again been up & down this week following further downpours. The high winds have also contributed to the heavy colour the reservoir is carrying. Some unseasonably mild temperatures are expected over the next few days so it would be nice to see activity at the height we saw it last February. A bite or two would be a bonus!

Tight Lines

19th January 2024 - There's a lid!

Not a lot happening on the fishery at present but we are pleased to say the levels have finally stabled up thanks to some settled weather. This week, temperatures took a tumble to as low as -8 leaving the reservoir with a pretty firm lid. It remains frozen but storms are again on the horizon for the coming weekend so it should be back 'wobbling' within a couple of days.
This time last year we had already seen catch returns hit double figures yet so far in 2024 barely anyone has been able to wet a line.

The countdown to spring begins!

Tight Lines

3rd January 2024 - Happy New Year!

Happy new Year & welcome along to the 2024 newsfeed!
Here you will find all the latest happenings throughout the season. Be sure to keep an eye on our social media pages too for round the clock updates.

Conditions haven't exactly been great to start the year, however, some brief spells of activity have been recorded over the last week. Most notably, Carp were present in the 'Shallows' and 'Teabag' in particular on and after boxing day.
Levels are approximately eight inches above normal following the latest storm. To say the ground is saturated is an understatement although drier but colder weather is expected come the weekend.

In the meantime, can all members please have a quick read and reminder of the fishery rules for the upcoming season. 2024-2025.

See you all soon!

Many Thanks & Tight Lines

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Moorgreen Fishery, Moorgreen, Nottinghamshire. East Midlands.

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